Professional Learning Day by the Sea… with St Peter’s Community School

I travelled down to the south coast of England for a professional learning day with leaders, teachers and teaching assistants from St Peter’s Community School, at the start of their new school year.
The focus was implementing the International Primary Curriculum and what an appropriate day to kickstart the year as 5th September is the United Nations International Day of Charity and consider what it means to be “internationally minded”.

Wonderful learning conversations throughout the day, considering what is the vision of the school and what are the personal dispositions, attitudes and skills that are needed for our learners in the world today.

In looking around the school, I found an infinity to my love of reading and asked permission to take some photos of the displays the teachers were getting for the children’s start of the new school, encouraging them to pick up a book!

A fun, engaging learning focussed day, thank you St Peter’s Community School for making me feel so welcome and wishing you a great school year ahead.
Happy Learning!