2021 so far...
I hope 2021 has started well for you and continues to bring you good health and happiness.
Schools have resumed all over the world, some face to face, some offering a hybrid model and others providing learning remotely. It certainly has been a challenging time for everyone involved in the whole of education and passionate about improving children’s and young people’s learning.
Sunridge Associates has continued to help school leaders around the world with several professional learning opportunities and I am excited to share these with you.
But first some important dates for your diary. The World Education Summit begins March 22nd and runs through until March 25th, World Education Summit (worldedsummit.com) and I am delighted because I will be leading two sessions and hope you can join me live, when I will be presenting,
Building Resilience with your Early Years Learners, Teachers and Community – Tuesday 23rd March at 12noon GMT
Getting in the Right Frame of Mind – Wednesday 24th March at 3pm GMT Times and dates are correct at time of posting, but please do check the programme in case they change. Would love to see you there!
